Latest News
Fall 2024
Grades are due December 19, 2024 at 3 p.m.
Spring 2025
Grades are due May 21, 2025 at 3 p.m.
Late Adds and Drops
August 26, 2024 through September 20, 2024
Students must submit a petition to withdraw after September 20, 2024 to the Registrar’s Office Dropbox Folder for General Records Documents for processing. September 20, 2024 is the last day to drop without record of enrollment. Drops received and processed after this date will result in “W” grades.
Class Rosters
All faculty can access and download their class rosters from Faculty Center on MyCSUDH. Rosters can be downloaded anytime in a “printer friendly version” or as rosters into an excel spreadsheet that can be easily reformatted. It is recommended that you download the most current version of your class roster before your first-class meeting.
August 25, 2024
Students will be allowed to place themselves on waitlists till the Friday before classes start. Waitlists will be updated nightly during this time. Students who are not added to classes from the waitlist by the first day of classes will be purged from the waitlist and will need to obtain a Permission Number from the instructor in order to add the class. All waitlists will be purged after midnight on August 25. Being on a waitlist does not imply students have access to a seat in a class.
Permission Numbers
In order to register on or after the first day of classes, students must attend the course and request a Late Registration Permission Number from the instructor. Students can then add the course using the Permission Number via Students who have a time conflict, overload, and/or a co-requisite situation will need to use the Change of Program form and obtain the appropriate signatures in addition to the Permission Number. Students can upload all documentation to the Registrar’s Office Dropbox Folder for General Records Documents for processing.
NOTE: Permission Numbers are required for all courses requiring department or to override a requisite. All Permission Numbers can only be used once and can only be used for the intended course. Departments in need of additional Permission Number’s may contact their college scheduler.
Instructor Initiated Drops
Prior to the end of the second week of classes, an instructor may, by following the appropriate procedures, initiate a formal drop of students who:
Spaces made available by “instructor dropped” students should be filled by late registrations of eligible matriculated students, followed by Open University students.
You can process your own instructor drops via the class roster on MyCSUDH. Log into your MyCSUDH account, click on Faculty Center and bring up your class roster. Check the checkbox next to the students who need to be dropped from the class and click the “DROP SELECTED STUDENTS” button. A confirmation page will display allowing you to verify that you have selected the correct students. Then click the “OK” button. The system will process the request and a drop status of “Success” or “Messages” will appear indicating that the students have been dropped from your class. A drop status of “Errors” indicates that there is some administrative reason that the student cannot be dropped online. If any of the students return with a drop status of “Errors” they were not dropped from your class , please email to request the student be dropped from your class. The browsers “Print” function will allow you to print this page for your records. The “RETURN” button to return you to the roster.
Title V Requirements
Students who completely withdraw from the University before the beginning of the semester will receive a 100% refund of registration fees. Once the semester begins fees are prorated, beginning with the first day of the semester and up to the 60% point of the semester.