MSQA Frequently Asked Questions

General | Admissions | Program

Please see the CSUDH Catalog, MSQA program requirements for more information.


What is the California State University system?

The California State University was first brought together under an independent Board of Trustees by the Donohoe Higher Education Act, in the early 1960's. It currently consists of 23 campuses covering the state from Humboldt in the north to San Diego in the south. Current enrollment for all CSU campuses exceeds 450,000 full and part-time students with a faculty of more than 52,000.1


Is the MSQA program accredited? Is it accepted internationally?

Yes! All the campuses (and their programs) in the CSU system are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the Western member of a nationwide network of U.S. educational accrediting bodies. The MSQA was one of the first Internet degree programs approved by the WASC Substantive Change Process.

Students from all over the world participated in our online program. 

How does the MSQA program differ from traditional classroom instruction?

Utilizing private and group e-mail and the CSUDH Learning Management System LMS (Canvas), an ongoing interaction between instructor and students and students with each other is fostered. Because successful completion of each course requires all students to participate in these ongoing discussions throughout the semester, students actually spend more time interacting than they would in a traditional classroom. We've also found that the quality of the interaction is much improved because everyone participates and because they have more time to think through and compose their comments and responses.

Is the MSQA just another "correspondence" learning program?

No! In contrast to mail-based "correspondence" programs which typically provide a "solo" non-interactive environment, students participating in the MSQA online program become a part of a dynamic interactive learning community.

Where is California State University, Dominguez Hills?

California State University, Dominguez Hills is housed on a picturesque 346-acre site in southwest Los Angeles. The land, part of the oldest Spanish land grant in the Los Angeles area, was originally deeded to Juan Dominguez in 1784 and remained with the family until being acquired by the University in 1967. 

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Admissions & Program Policies

What are the requirements for entering CSUDH and the CSUDH MSQA Graduate Program?

CSUDH Entrance Information:

A candidate for the MSQA degree must meet CSUDH graduate admission requirements.
Apply online: CSU Mentor ►

MSQA Requirements and Entrance Information:

A candidate for the MSQA degree will hold a baccalaureate degree in a technical field from an accredited institution or if in a non-technical field, receive approval from the Quality Assurance Academic Program Committee. He/she should have a background which includes preparation in both college level mathematics and computer concepts. (In some cases conditional admission to the program will be considered subject to completion of undergraduate prerequisite course work. All conditional admissions are subject to approval by the Quality Assurance Program Committee.)

Candidates should have achieved a grade point average of 2.5 (on a four-point scale) or higher in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units completed and should be in good standing in the last institution attended. Candidates with a grade point average below 2.5 and with experience in quality assurance may also be considered for admission. In addition to the above, all candidates must fulfill all additional admission requirements as specified in the current CSUDH catalog.

Students not meeting these requirements need to obtain special permission by contacting the MSQA Academic Program Coordinator at (310) 243-3880 or by e-mail.

What if English is not my primary language?

All graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor's degree from a post secondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). For information on taking the TOEFL in your area please contact TOEFL/TSE at PO Box 6154, Princeton, NJ 08541-6154, USA or by telephone at (609) 771-7100. Applicants whose academic credentials are from a country other than the United States are required to submit a certified English translation along with the academic records.

Can I take courses before becoming a fully enrolled (matriculated) CSUDH MSQA graduate student?

Yes, anyone may take classes (up to 6 credit units) before officially entering the MSQA graduate program as long as basic course prerequisites are met and approval is received from the MSQA Academic Advisor at (310) 243-3880 or by e-mail. You must obtain this approval prior to enrolling in the class.

Can I transfer credits from courses I've taken at other colleges and universities?

Yes, upon receiving written approval from the MSQA Academic Advisor, graduate credits (500 level or above) taken from another university or college which were not used to satisfy another degree would be transferred into the MSQA program. Credits approved for transfer are included in the 9 credit hours students are allowed to transfer into the program including courses taken prior to matriculation. The student must provide official transcripts and the syllabus for the course(s), must have a "B" or better grade, and must satisfy the 5 year time limit.

If the student would like to discuss possible transfer credit, please contact the MSQA Academic Advisor as soon as possible via email or at (310) 243-3880.

Can I waive certain program requirements if I have already taken similar courses?

Yes. The MSQA Academic Advisor must be contacted if you feel that you have the required academic background to waive any of the required courses and substitute them with MSQA electives.

Even if courses are waived, students seeking the degree must still achieve 30 credit units (combined approved transfer and CSUDH MSQA units). Elective courses will be substituted for core courses waived by the Academic Advisor. If you have any questions regarding these policies please contact the Academic Advisor at (310) 243-3880 or via email.

Approximately, how much does it cost to earn the MSQA Degree?

Over the approximate two and a half years it takes to complete the Masters Degree it is estimated that it will cost a student between $13,000-$15,000 (US). This includes tuition, fees, books and materials but does not include costs associated with computer software or hardware or Internet access which is the responsibility of the student.

See detailed list of MSQA program costs ►

What are the options for scholarships or fee reduction?

There are several options for additional funding: Federal Loans, Private Loans, and several CSUDH and Industry-led scholarships for Quality Assurance students.

See MSQA Financial Assistance Options ►

If I qualify for financial aid, how many units do I have to take minimally?

Graduate program minimum units for Financial Aid is 4.0 units, but because all of the MSQA courses are 3.0 units, you would need to take a minimum of 6.0 units (2 courses) per term to meet the requirement.

Who should I contact about military or veteran funding?

Students who have access to military funding should contact Michelle Ortega-Bacalso, Military & WIOA Adviser at (310) 243-3606, or by e-mail at wioa@xiaoneizhi.com.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds are granted in accordance with the California State refund schedule. If a course is canceled, the entire course fee will be returned. If you withdraw 24 hours prior to the first class meeting, 100 percent of the course fee will be refunded (less a $10 processing fee). If you withdraw after the first class and before 25 percent of the course has elapsed (the 24th day of a 13 week course), 65 percent of the total fee will be refunded. After 25 percent of the course time has elapsed (the 25th day and later of a 13 week course), no refund will be made, however a withdrawal form must still be filed. A stop payment on a check is NOT an acceptable withdrawal from the course(s) and will result in financial penalty.

What rights do I have? What if I have a complaint?

You have a number of rights as a student of California State University, Dominguez Hills. The links below will take you to the appropriate CSUDH webpage. Before you begin a formal appeal, grievance, or petition process, please attempt to resolve the issue with your instructor and/or the MSQA office (310-243-3880) as appropriate. Be sure to communicate directly with the MSQA Coordinator early in the process. Part of the Coordinator's job is to help resolve complaints. See the Contacts page for a full list of faculty contact info.

Petition for Exception. Students may petition for exception to certain University academic regulations only when unusual or extenuating circumstances exist. Request a Petition form from the MSQA office, and return the completed form to MSQA for submission to the university-wide committee that considers such appeals.

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Program & Completion

How do I register for courses in the MSQA program?

Once admitted, you may register via my.xiaoneizhi.com or via phone. MAKE SURE WHEN REGISTERING THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED YOUR CAMPUS E-MAIL ADDRESS and that you have clearly indicated you are with the MSQA Program. Once you've registered please read the instructions as to what to do next.

What happens after I register?

Upon receiving your registration we will provide you with Registration Confirmation via e-mail. MAKE SURE THAT YOU PROVIDED US YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS or ADDRESSES WHEN YOU REGISTERED. You should immediately follow the instructions outlined.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you have not been contacted within 3 business days (M-F), or if you cannot access the Web (you will need to have Web access to participate in the courses), or if you have trouble gaining access to the URL we sent you, immediately contact the MSQA office for assistance, via e-mail: msqa@xiaoneizhi.com or by phone: (310) 243-3880.

May I register after class has begun?

No. The last day to register for each term is the Friday before the week class begins. Class always begins on a Tuesday. Please check published schedules for dates and other information. Contact the MSQA office at MSQA@xiaoneizhi.com to obtain further information.

May I take my classes per my convenience, or is there a fixed schedule?

The MSQA Degree program and related Certificate courses have fixed schedules with expected student attendance and participation. Classes are offered on a trimester schedule, with Fall, Spring and Summer terms. Please visit How Classes Work and Once You're Registered in a MSQA Class for more details.

How do I obtain textbooks and other materials?

Textbooks and other materials can be ordered online through the CSUDH Bookstore:
http://www.bkstr.com/csudominguezhillsstore/ • 310-243-3789 • csudh@bkstr.com

Additionally, ASQ Members can take advantage of discounted ASQ-related content & resources via their membership.

Is there a process to help us prepare for working on a final project or comp exam?

Yes — we recommend the QAS 546 course to help students; it is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.

How long do I have to complete the degree?

This master’s program can be completed in as little as 18 months. As a general rule, degree programs are expected to be completed within 5 years of program admission.

Am I able to go past the 30 units in our program by taking additional electives?

Yes! You're more than welcome to take more than the degree minimum

What happens if I can't complete my thesis in one term?

Students must be continuously enrolled in order to meet graduation requirements; to accommodate students who need additional time to complete or have their thesis reviewed and approved, the QAS 600 is available to keep the student status as "matriculated". Please be aware that the 600 course can only be taken twice. 

What are the Degree requirements for graduation from the MSQA Program?

To be awarded the Master of Science in Quality Assurance, students must:

  • Complete 30 units of approved graduate course work
  • Successfully complete the major courses listed as required
  • Complete all course work with a grade point average of at least 3.0 (B)
  • Complete a Culminating Project
  • Complete all other requirements for the degree as described in the current CSUDH catalog

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