Footnote Definitions (SP25)





Program acceptance or specific class standing requirements


This section is restricted to students with designated majors. Students with other majors will not be allowed to register for the section.


This section requires department consent. Students will need to go to the appropriate department to obtain a Permission Number (PN) which is proof of consent. Both the Class Number (CN) and the PN will be needed to register for the section.


Must have departmental approval to drop or withdraw from the class.


Freshman standing required.


Junior or Senior standing required.


Senior standing required.


Graduate standing required.


Doctoral standing required.


This section is restricted to Honors Program students. Students interested in the Honors Program should contact the Honors Program Office (Office is not in service).


This section is restricted to PACE students. Other students may enroll if space is available after PACE students are registered.


This section is restricted to Nursing majors. Contact the School of Nursing for registration information, Student Services Center, (310) 243-2120; or permission to enroll if a non-nursing major.


A Community Service-Learning Course-this section incorporates at least 15 hours of course-related community service with reflection activities to enhance students' understanding of course content, self-awareness, and civic engagement (these sections were not identified this term; temporarily suspended).


A Writing Intensive (WI) Course - this section satisfies a graduation requirement, effective Fall 2008 for new first-year students and Fall 2010 for transfer students (these sections were not identified this term; temporarily suspended).


A Hybrid course-this section integrates online with traditional face to face activities in a planned, pedagogically viable manner. A minimum of one third and a maximum of two thirds of the class is taught online.


An Alternative Instruction section is taught during social distancing mandate such as in response to a pandemic. It may include general alternative teaching methods that comply with public health guidelines while achieving course learning outcomes, such as face-to-face instruction consistent with CDC guidelines, distance synchronous or asynchronous instruction, or a combination of these.


Additional class meeting time requirements


Additional class time required.


Includes required off-campus meeting or fieldwork for which students must make their own transportation arrangements.


Course includes an optional field trip for which there will be a transportation charge.


Students must be available three (3) hours per week between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to observe in schools. Students must make their own transportation arrangements.


Class start date does not coincide with regular semester start date. Course must be added by change of program and add/drop deadline.


Fulfills special course conditions, restrictions, or requirements


Meets state requirement in American History.


Meets state requirement for U.S. Constitution and California Government.


Meets state requirement for State and Local Government.


This course is offered credit/no credit grading only


TB Test and LIVE SCAN clearance required for this course.


Health requirement: students enrolling in Kinesiology courses assume the responsibility for satisfactory health status appropriate for class activity.


Lab coat required.


Students enrolling in Chemistry 110 must take the General Chemistry Placement Examination given on the first day of class.


This course meets the CTC computer requirement only for students who have completed the student teaching/intern program at CSU Dominguez Hills. All others must take GED 535.


Intensive Learning Experience (ILE) section: ELM score must be between 100 and 350 (inclusive).


Courses numbered 1-99 or 600S do not count for degree credit.


Combined section: more than one section is taught in the same room at the same time. (Students should register in only one of the sections combined.)


Co-requisite Course: courses with this footnote require enrollment in both the lecture/discussion/seminar/clinical section and associated activity/lab/supervision portion of the course or, in some cases, enrollment in another course. Co-reqs are listed below the course information in italics. If the co-requisite class number (CN) is listed, you must register for that specific CN. If only the department and course number is listed, you may register for any section of the co-requisite course for which you are eligible.


Special School of Nursing requirements


This is a Nursing role performance (clinical) course and requires specific training and clinical documentation (e.g., immunizations, TB screening). Go to website and click on Clinical Handbook for further information about the requirements.


Students enrolled in this course are covered by a mandatory CSUDH insurance policy for liability and malpractice. See Clinical Handbook for information at


Special English Department requirements


Students must have taken the CSU English Placement Test. Students with EPT scores designated by the CSU Chancellor’s Office as indicating eligibility in an Intensive Learning Experience Program (ILE) must enroll in ENG 88.


Special section for students in the Intensive Learning Experience Program (ILE). EPT scores must be between 120 and 141 inclusive.


Students must have taken the CSU English Placement Test (EPT).


All students must meet the following prerequisites: English 110 and 111 or their equivalents; passing score on the GWE, (competency in writing requirement); or English 350 or other courses listed in the University Catalog.


Prerequisite: All students must have taken the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) before they can enroll in English 110. In addition, students must score a T-147 or above on the EPT, meet one of the exceptions, or have successfully completed ENG 88 and/or 99 or its equivalent.


Prerequisite: completion of ENG 110 or equivalent. Written verification (letter of notification, grade slip, transcript, evaluation form) must be presented to the instructor at the first-class meeting. 


Lower division composition requirement must be completed. Written verification (grade slip, transcript) must be presented to the instructor at the first-class meeting. 


Prerequisite: Completion of ENG 111 or equivalent.


Special Teacher Education Department requirements


Advanced registration available only for interns.


BCLAD students only.


Additional course fee requirements


Students enrolled in this course are required to pay a course fee. Please refer to the list below for all courses and their specific fees.


Course Fees

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028-66028.6 of the Education Code).


Fee Amt

AFS 600, BEH 600, BIO 600, BUS 600, CHS 600, CLS 600, CSC 600, ENG 600, GED 600, HSC 600, HUM 600, KIN 600, MAT 600, MFT 600, MSN 600, MSW 600, NCR 600, OTR 600, PSY 600, PUB 600, SOC 600, SPE 600, UNV 600


ART 301, ART 341, ART 342, ART 343, ART 344, ART 345, ART 346, ART 445, ART 446, ART 447, ART 448, ART 492, ART 493


ART 190, ART 360, ART 392


ART 150, ART 165, ART 170, ART 171, ART 179, ART 180, ART 348, ART 355, ART 361, ART 371, ART 380, ART 384, ART 385, ART 463, ART 485, ART 486


ART 373, ART 389, ART 474


BIO 103, BIO 121, BIO 251,


BIO 123, BIO 125, BIO 313


BIO 221, BIO 311, BIO 315, BIO 325, BIO 327, BIO 331, BIO 333, BIO 342, BIO 419, BIO 424, BIO 436, BIO 459


BIO 361, BIO 435,


BIO 421


CHE 103


CHE 108, CHE 110, CHE 112, CHE 230


CHE 230


CHE 108L, CHE 456L


CHE 301, CHE 303, CHE 313


CHE 311, CHE 317, CHE 451, CHE 456


CHE 431, CHE 433


CHE 453


CIS 272, CIS 275, CIS 371, CIS 372, CIS 373, CIS 380, CIS 471, CIS 476, CIS 480


CIS 375, CIS 477


CLS 301


CLS 302


CLS 304


CLS 306


CLS 307


CSC 101, CSC 111, CSC 121, CSC 123, CSC 195, CSC 221, CSC 251, CSC 295, CSC 301, CSC 311, CSC 321, CSC 331, CSC 341, CSC 353, CSC 401, CSC 411, CSC 451, CSC 453, CSC 455, CSC 461, CSC 481, CSC 495, CSC 498


DAN 110*


DGN 450


DGN 470


DMA 310, DMA 320, DMA 324, DMA 325, DMA 327, DMA 330, DMA 331, DMA 335, DMA 430, DMA 431, DMA 435, DMA 438, DMA 499


EAR 101


ENG 88, ENG 99, ENG 108, ENG 109, ENG 110, ENG 111, ENG 195, ENG 352


ENG 350


Grad Intent to Enroll


HEA 495**


HRM 425


HUS 490


IDS 398


KIN 116, KIN 118, KIN 130, KIN 132, KIN 141, KIN 142, KIN 150, KIN 152, KIN 156, KIN 158, KIN 162, KIN 164, KIN 170, KIN 180, KIN 425


KIN 218, KIN 300, KIN 301, KIN 303, KIN 360, KIN 461


MFT 596


MUS 445, 446, 447, 448


OTR 504, OTR 512, OTR 517, OTR 519, OTR 527, OTR 537, OTR 539, OTR 557, OTR 559, OTR 569, OTR 577, OTR 579


OTR 596


PHY 120, PHY 122, PHY 130, PHY 132, PHY 134, PHY 300, PHY 333, PHY 335, PHY 341


PSY 417


PSY 566, PSY 567


PSY 565


REC 260


SON Challenge Exam Fee


SMT 416


*Fee applies to African Dance or Middle Eastern Dance.                            
** Fee applies to Study Abroad sections only.